Sexually transmitted infections or sexually transmitted diseases occur due to sexual contact. The organisms like parasites, viruses, and bacteria cause diseases that are sexually transmitted. These diseases pass from individual to individual in semen, blood, or vaginal areas.
Such diseases also transfer to other body fluids. These infections can also transfer nonsexually like from mother to infant during childbirth or pregnancy or through shared needles and blood transfusions.
STDs do not cause symptoms in all conditions. It is possible to get sexually transmitted diseases from healthy people who may not even know if they have any infection.
Sexually transmitted infections or sexually transmitted diseases have a range of symptoms. These infections can also have no symptoms. That is the reason people remain unaware of these symptoms until STDs are diagnosed in their partner.
Some signs and symptoms that include a sexually transmitted infection are given below.
- Burning or painful urination
- Bumps or sores on the genitals or in the rectal or oral area
- Discharge from the area of the penis
- Odd or unusual smelling in the vaginal discharge
- Pain during sexual intercourse
- Unusual vaginal bleeding
- Fever
- Rash on the feet, hands, or trunk
- Pain in the lower abdomen
- Swollen, sore lymph nodes specifically in the groin sometimes they can spread
Symptoms can appear after some days of exposure. It can also take years before you notice the problems.
When To Visit A Doctor
Visit a health care professional if:
- You are active sexually and have been exposed to sexually transmitted infection
- You have symptoms of sexually transmitted disease
Try to make an appointment with a healthcare professional:
- Before you have sexual intercourse with a new partner
- When you consider becoming active sexually or when you are at the age of 21
Following are the causes of sexually transmitted infections.
- Viruses (genital herpes, HIV, human papillomavirus, HIV)
- Parasites (trichomoniasis)
- Bacteria (gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis)
Sexual activity also plays a role in the spread of other infections. It is also possible to be infected even without any sexual activity. Examples include shigella, A, B, and C viruses, Giardia intestinalis, and hepatitis.
Risk Factors
Anyone who is active sexually risks exposure to sexually transmitted infections or sexually transmitted diseases. Factors that may enhance the risks include:
Unprotected Sex
Anal or vaginal penetration by a partner who is infected and does not wear a latex condom for protection significantly enhances the risk of developing or getting a sexually transmitted infection. Inconsistent or improper use of condoms also increases the risks of getting STI.
Oral sex may have fewer risks. Infections can still be transmitted without the use of a dental dam ( a square, thin rubber piece made of silicone or latex) or a latex condom.
Sexual Intercourse With Multiple Partners
Having sexual intercourse with many partners increases the risk of getting a sexually transmitted infection. It is true for monogamous consecutive relationships and concurrent partners.
Having STIs History
If you have one STI then you are at higher risk to develop another STI.
Forced Sexual Intercourse
It is difficult to deal with assault and rape. It is important to visit a doctor immediately so that the individual can get instant screening, emotional support, and treatment.
Misuse Of Recreational Drugs Or Alcohol
Substance misuse makes you willing to take part in risky behaviors. It inhibits you from making judgments.
Injecting Drugs
Needle sharing causes many severe infections like hepatitis B, HIV, and hepatitis C.
Young Age
Half of the sexually transmitted infections occur in people from the age of 15 to 24.
In the early stages of sexually transmitted infections or sexually transmitted diseases, people do not have any symptoms. Screening is very important if you want to make yourself safe and prevent the complications of sexually transmitted infections.
Pelvic pain is a serious complication of STI. Females can also experience complications during their pregnancy. People with sexually transmitted diseases can suffer from eye inflammation and arthritis. They can also get the pelvic inflammatory disease.
Infertility is another serious complication of sexually transmitted diseases. People with STIs can have heart diseases and some cancers like HPV-associated rectal and cervical cancers.
Go to a health care professional as soon as possible whenever you notice any symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases. Early diagnosis and timely treatment can prevent you from getting serious complications of the disease.